API Keys
- Table of Contents
- API Key Attributes
- Get a List of API Keys
- Get a Single API Key
- Create an API Key
- Update an API Key
- Delete an API Key
API Key Attributes
api_key hash
Get a List of API Keys
Get a list of the API keys on the current or specified organization.
Get the list of API keys on the current organization:
GET /ga/api/v2/api_keys
System administrators can also get the list of API keys on a specific organization:
GET /ga/api/v2/organization/:organization_id/api_keys
name string |
Get a list of API keys with this exact, case-insensitive |
name_contains string |
Get a list of API keys whose names containing this case-insensitive string. |
order_by string |
Specify an API key field to sort the results by. Defaults to |
For example to search for the API key named admin
in organization 6
GET /ga/api/v2/organization/6/api_keys?name=admin
The response will be a JSON array where each element contains API Key Attributes.
API keys will the role system_admin
will only be returned if the requesting API key has role system_admin
This endpoint returns paginated records.
Note that the JSON response will not be “pretty formatted” as it is below.
GET /ga/api/v2/api_keys
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"success": true,
"data": [
"id": 2,
"name": "Primary API Account",
"role": "organization_admin",
"active": true,
"api_key": "MTo2ZGNkNGNlMjNkODhlMmVlOTU2OGJhNTQ2YzAwN2M2M2Q5MTMxYzFi"
"id": 3,
"name": "Secondary API Account",
"role": "organization_admin",
"active": true,
"api_key": "MTo4MDFjMzQyNjlmNzRlZDM4M2ZjOTdkZTMzNjA0YjhhOTA1YWRiNjM1"
"id": 4,
"name": "Client Services",
"role": "organization_admin",
"active": true,
"api_key": "MTo2MDZlYzZlOWJkOGE4ZmYyYWQxNGU1ZmFkZTNmMjY0NDcxZTgyMjUx"
"id": 5,
"name": "Integrated Offerings",
"role": "organization_admin",
"active": true,
"api_key": "MTplMjUxMjE3MmFiZjhjYzlmNjdmZGQ0OWViNmNhY2YyZGY3MWJiYWQz"
"error_code": null,
"error_message": null,
"page": 0,
"per_page": 100,
"num_records": 4,
"num_pages": 1
Example 2
GET /ga/api/v2/api_keys?name_contains=aPi
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"success": true,
"data": [
"id": 27,
"name": "Primary API Account",
"role": "organization_admin",
"active": true,
"api_key": "MTE6NmRjZDRjZTIzZDg4ZTJlZTk1NjhiYTU0NmMwMDdjNjNkOTEzMWMxYg=="
"id": 28,
"name": "Secondary API Account",
"role": "organization_admin",
"active": true,
"api_key": "MTE6ODAxYzM0MjY5Zjc0ZWQzODNmYzk3ZGUzMzYwNGI4YTkwNWFkYjYzNQ=="
"error_code": null,
"error_message": null,
"page": 0,
"per_page": 100,
"num_records": 2,
"num_pages": 1
Get a Single API Key
Get all the basic details of a single API key.
GET /ga/api/v2/api_keys/:id
Request Parameters
id integer |
The |
The response body will be a JSON hash of API Key Attributes.
Note that the JSON response will not be “pretty formatted” as it is below.
GET /ga/api/v2/api_keys/55
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 55,
"name": "Integrated Offerings",
"role": "organization_admin",
"active": true,
"api_key": "MjE6ZTI1MTIxNzJhYmY4Y2M5ZjY3ZmRkNDllYjZjYWNmMmRmNzFiYmFkMw=="
"error_code": null,
"error_message": null
Create an API Key
Create a new API key on the current or specified organization.
POST /ga/api/v2/api_keys
System administrators can also use:
POST /ga/api/v2/organizations/:organization_id/api_keys
Request Parameters
The request body should be a JSON hash of API Key Attributes.
API keys with the role system_admin
can only be created on the System
Organization and only by an API key that also has the role system_admin
The response body will be a JSON hash of API Key Attributes.
Note that the JSON response will not be “pretty formatted” as it is below.
POST /ga/api/v2/api_keys
"api_key": {
"name": "Api Key Name",
"active": true
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 61,
"name": "Api Key Name",
"role": "organization_admin",
"active": true,
"api_key": "MjM6YzFmZTNhN2I0ODdmNjZhNmFjOGM3ZTQ3OTRiYzU1YzMxYjBlZjQwMw=="
"error_code": null,
"error_message": null
Update an API Key
PUT /ga/api/v2/api_keys/:id
Request Parameters
The request body should be a JSON hash of API Key Attributes.
API keys can only be updated to the role system_admin
on the System
Organization and only by an API key that also has the role system_admin
The response body will be a JSON hash of API Key Attributes.
Note that the JSON response will not be “pretty formatted” as it is below.
PUT /ga/api/v2/api_keys/86
"api_key": {
"active": false
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 86,
"name": "Integrated Offerings",
"role": "organization_admin",
"active": false,
"api_key": "MzM6ZTI1MTIxNzJhYmY4Y2M5ZjY3ZmRkNDllYjZjYWNmMmRmNzFiYmFkMw=="
"error_code": null,
"error_message": null
Delete an API Key
DELETE /ga/api/v2/api_keys/:id
An empty successful response to this request indicates that the API key was
successfully deleted.
Note that the JSON response will not be “pretty formatted” as it is below.
DELETE /ga/api/v2/api_keys/107
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"success": true,
"data": null,
"error_code": null,
"error_message": null